Welcome To Expert Microscopy
The Expert Microscopy training program gives scientists like you an edge, so you can:
- Understand how to capture an image that meets the approval of editorial, grant, and patent reviewers.
- Complete experiments more quickly, avoiding wasting time and resources.
- Lessen the effort involved in capturing important microscopy images.
- Decrease the frustration that results from a poor understanding of microscopy principles.
- Lay a solid foundation for biotech experiments or more advanced research.

About Expert Microscopy
An expert, PhD-level microscopy technical training program with 4 modules, each including a one-hour instructional video along with a downloadable Workbooks and Presentations. After the completion of each module, you can test your expertise against quizzes and scored exams. This program will ensure you understand how to capture microscopy images that meet the approval of editorial, grant, and patent reviewers.
The program will reduce the frustration that results from a poor understanding of microscopy principles, gain information that enables you to troubleshoot microscopy challenges during your research, and will help improve experimental reproducibility and avoid accidental image fraud.

Included In The Expert Microscopy Training Program

Module #1: Principles of Light Microscopy Contrast Methods
The field of light microscopy is inseparable from the physical properties of light. This module will help students strengthen their understanding of this important concept.
Get ready to dive into…
- Important facts on the properties of light. Brush up on the physics behind microscopy. This module takes a look at the definition, properties, and behaviors of light.
- The relationship between a wavelength and microscope resolution. When it comes to microscopy, theoretical concepts can directly affect why an image looks different than expected. In this module, students will cover Airy discs, the Abbe diffraction limit, and the Rayleigh criterion…important factors for capturing high-quality images.
- The most important step in microscopy.Get the facts on illumination…as well as the six critical steps for achieving an ideal image for your research.
- Transmitted light methods. In microscopy, there are a number of methods that leverage transmitted light, and it’s important to have a broad knowledge of each technique. In this module, students learn a number of methods, including bright field, phase, differential interference contrast, Hoffman modulation contrast, polarization, and more.

Module #2: From Living Sample to Image Ready Fluorescence
Having cutting-edge microscope equipment doesn’t ensure you’ll capture high-quality images. The reality is, getting the best image for your experiment involves a number of factors that need to be carefully controlled. And preparing a sample is an important step for creating publication-worthy images. In this module, students dive into a number of important topics, including…
- Fixation methods you need to know. Before a researcher can capture an image, he or she needs to properly immobilize antigens while retaining cellular structure. This module helps students understand three techniques for fixating research samples…as well as important considerations for working with the various fixation methods.
- How to permeabilize a sample. Students will learn whether their fixation method will automatically permeabilize their samples…or if they need to use an additional method to ready a sample for imaging. Students will also discover the chemicals they can use to achieve this effect.
- Creating contrast for a sample. From histological dyes to indirect immunofluorescence, this module looks at three ways of creating contrast—giving students insight into some nuances for selecting a method.
- A scientific overview of the topic of fluorescence. Understand how this natural phenomenon works—from when a light photon hits an electron to the release of fluorescence. We’ll also cover the various filter options for a microscope as well as different sources of light.
- The pros and cons of different fluorophores. Get a better understanding of which fluorophores best suit a research project…for instance, which fluorophores can be genetically encoded or which can be toxic to the live cells in a sample.

Module #3: Image Acquisition Types of Detectors Acquiring High-Quality Images
Trial-and-error adjustments to a microscope are hardly a viable method for capturing a brilliant image for breakthrough research. In this module, students can strengthen their understanding of microscope cameras and key factors that influence image quality.
In this module, students can expect to learn…
- The basics of microscope cameras. The Expert Microscopy Training Program doesn’t assume students are experts in microscopic cameras. Instead, this module provides clear instruction on topics such as how pixelation affects image quality, when a high dynamic range is needed, and the difference between monochrome and color cameras…not to mention information on quantum efficiency and temporal resolution.
- What you need to know about photomultiplier tubes. Understand how these devices are different than cameras, how they work, and the quantum efficiency they provide.
- Important facts on image exposure, gain, binning, and more. If the settings of your microscope seem a mystery, this module will bring clarity to topics such as what range of exposure to use for fluorescent images and a pitfall to be aware of when it comes to digital offset.
- Facts on quantitative imaging and multidimensional acquisition. This module addresses intensity comparisons and size measurements…as well as how to leverage controls and a Z-stack for an image.

Module #4: Image Processing and Analysis Figure Preparation
Once a researcher has captured the perfect image of a sample, his or her work is not yet complete. In this module, students will get the facts on processing images and presenting an analysis that communicates the value of their research to journal editors and colleagues alike. Dive into topics such as…
- Why it’s critical to save your data. Understand the importance of backing up your files, and understand what is the industry-accepted software that microscopists use for processing.
- The different methods of processing microscopic images. In this module, students will discover when to use a Gamma adjustment…or when a flat-field correction can improve their images.
- Important components of image analysis. Discover how image segmentation, intensity measurements, co-localization, and high-throughput analysis can support your research objectives.
- Ethical considerations for image processing. Avoid an accusation of image manipulation by following best practices. According to the American Society for Microbiology, “as many as 35,000 papers in the literature are candidates for retraction due to inappropriate image duplication.” This module lays out three important principles students should follow as they prepare their images.
- How to ready your images for journal publication. Discover why Heather recommends Adobe Illustrator as your software of choice. This module also introduces students to considerations regarding their image resolution, format, color, and lookup tables.
- What you should know about graphing and statistics. Get an overview of how these concepts relate to microscopy research…and what details you should include in the methods section of your publications.